• Venture capital for
    technology companies in the
    Federal State Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  • SonoBeacon GmbH
    Ultrasonic signals for
    location-based services,
    content and interactions
  • SensID GmbH
    reference material
    and services for
    molecular diagnostics
  • Pydro GmbH
    sensorsand valves
    for intelligent
    water infrastructures
  • PRIMACYT Cell Culture
    Technology GmbH
    Serum-free cell cultures for
    pharmacological and toxicological


Regional venture capitalist for MV
Management support & network
Partnership for a time


Teams of founders & innovative startups
Startup & growth stage
Fast-growing sectors


Equity holding
Co-investment with private investors up to 1.5 million euros

In 1998, GENIUS Venture Capital GmbH was established on the initiative of the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is a subsidiary of Technologie- und Gewerbezentrum e.V. Schwerin/Wismar. We fund innovation-driven technology companies in their startup or early growth stage. We are managing venture capital funds on behalf of the Ministry of Economics, Infrastructure, Tourism and Employment of the State Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Venture Capital Fonds MV GmbH

Start: 12/2015
Status: Investment phase
Fund volume under management: 15 million euros
Focus: innovative & growth-orientated SME
Stage: Seed, startup and early growth stage
Type: Open equity holdings, combination with silent partnership or convertible loans possible
Specific characteristics: Co-investment with private investors
Investor: State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (EFRE funds)
Investment principles: Download (in German only)

Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Bau und Tourismus MV
Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung (EFRE)

We offer more than just equity for young technology companies.

We actively support the development of your company, we advise you on strategic business-related matters and our network is at your service.

We expect you, as a founder, to have a clear vision of your company and a focused strategy to achieve your business goals. You need to have the necessary know-how and sector-specific knowledge as well as the potential to successfully build and lead a company. Furthermore, we expect you to support your own share of the financing by high personal and financial commitment for the company.

We invest, normally together with independent private investors, in technology-orientated micro and small-sized companies in their seed, startup or early growth stage. The headquarters or significant establishment of the company must be located in the State Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Focus & Criteria

Investment process


Portfolio (Abstract)

Private investors

We are very much interested to realize our investments at the level of the technology companies together with independent private investors. We may act as lead investor or as co-investor. That decision will be freely and personally exercised by each investor.

You are a business angel or an institutional investor? Please, contact us and share your investment criteria with us. We will introduce you to interesting companies that fit your criteria.

Bundesverband der Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften
High-Tech Gründerfonds
KfW Bankengruppe
German Accelerator
High-Tech Gründerfonds
Life Science Nord
AWS Activate

Portfolio company news (in German only)

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